Business Owners & Managers

If you’re a business owner or a manager at a business that generates $2 million or more in earnings or seller discretionary cash flow, you will likely have many firms competing to invest in or purchase your business.  We often compete against firms who have larger pools of dedicated capital. This can hurt our chances of beating them out. But sometimes we do.

We’ve spent a lot of time trying to understand why we win. Below are some of the reasons:

If you’re currently working in a business that generates approximately $2 million in earnings and you’re interested in buying the business from the current ownership group, we welcome the opportunity to partner with entrepreneurs like you.  We don’t do hostile takeovers, so the owners must be willing to sell.  But if you know how to run and grow the business, but don’t know how to buy it, please reach out.

Get In Touch

Please let us know if you’re like to schedule a time to discuss your objectives, your business, and your story.  If your business doesn’t meet the criteria above or if you don’t think you’re quite ready to explore a sale, it may still make sense for us to connect. 

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